- Message : Universities in Age of Decreasing Population / Kenichiro OHMATA
- Special Edition : A Future Solar Energy System
- Unit of energy performance evaluation / Hirotoshi TASAI
- Performance indication of solar energy (thermal) equipment / Shunji ASAI
- Solar thermal system assessment (the primary energy demand and CO2 emission for the DHW and space heating) / Yasuo OKAMOTO
- Solar Heat Pumps / Toshiyuki HINO
- Solar thermal technology and architectural design / Jiro OHNO
- Popularization for solar thermal energy system – present status of Japan and European countries / Masao KABAYA
- The status of a national program to promote solar thermal utilization in Japan / Masao INOMATA
- The measure concerning the solar heat in the energy policy of Tokyo Metropolitan government / Nobuo TANIGUCHI
- Lecture – Evaluation Technology for the performance of solar cells (3rd Time)
- Performance measurement of solar cells and modules – III. solar simulator / Yoshihiro HISHIKAWA
- Technical Paper
- Proposal and development of practical bicycle generation using coreless synchronous generator / Toshiyuki TAKAHASHI, Yoh YASUDA and Shingo OHMOTO
- A forecasting-error reduction of daily total insolation by integration of forecasted daily solar irradiance curve / Shinichiro OKE, Hiroyuki MURATA, Hirofumi TAKIKAWA and Tateki SAKAKIBARA
- News from JSES Committee