- Message : Ambitious Dream / Shigeo YOSHIDA
- Special Edition : Organic Thin-Film Solar Cells
- Current status and future prospects for organic thin-film solar cells / Yoshinori NISHIKITANI
- Structure and fabrication technologies of organic thin film solar cells / Naoki YOSHIMOTO
- Organic photovoltaic module based on small-molecular-weight semiconductors / Takuya TAIMA
- Development of organic photovoltaic and evolution in the future / Hiroaki YAMAOKA
- Fullerene-based N-type semiconductors for organic solar cells / Yusuke TAJIMA
- Technical Report
- Study on PV systems with p-Si and CIS modules – output characteristics of array different aspect – / Che XIAONXUAN and Toru FUJISAWA
- Ethanol production potential from rice straw and bagasse in China, India and ASEAN counties / Shinichi YANO, Shigeki SAWAYAMA, Hiroyuki INOUE, Shinji FUJIMOTO, Tomoaki MINOWA, Kenji IMOU and Shinya YOKOYAMA
- The practice and effect of environmental education program using wind generator in Choshi area, Chiba prefecture / Takao ANDO and Hiroshi NAGAI
- Installation effect of PV/SC system in subtropical regions / Kosuke UCHIDA, Tomonobu SENJU, Atsushi YONA and Naomitsu URASAKI
- Methods for predicting outdoor performance of PV modules and evaluating durability / Jun TSUTSUMI, Koichi KAMISAKO and Kosuke KUROKAWA
- Development and performance evaluation of natural energy utilization house (Part 1) – effects of air circulation type simple solar heat utilizing system and solar radiation absorbing heat reserving floor – / Fujinori HANAWA and Takeshi MORIKAWA
- Series Lecture
- Historical development of solar cells (4) / Yukinori KUWANO
- Introduction of a Laboratory / Akisawa Ueda laboratory, Tokyo university of agriculture and technology
- News from JSES Committee
- JSES announcement
- Conference calendar
- Library