- Message : KIZUNA / Kazuhiro AISO
- Message for the Great East Jaoan Earthquake
- Mitsuhiro UDAGAWA, the president of JSES
- Report from the stricken area of an earthquake / Takao SAITOH
- Special Edition : Storage Technology for the Utilization of Renewable Energy in the Low-Carbon Society
- The president and future of power storage for renewable energy utilization / New and renewable energy division, ANRE, MITI
- Output control technologies for a large-scale PV system with battery storage – Wakkanai Mega-Solar Project – / Masakazu MIYAMA
- Development and effect of the lead-acid battery for the reduction in wind farm’s power fluctuation / Kazuo SUZUKI, Masaya TAKAHASHI, Naoki HOSHINO, Shinich SANO and Katsura MITANI
- Electric power storage technology for an electric vehicle / Masahide YAMAGUCHI
- Electricity storage technologies for renewable energy use in houses / Ken-ichi ISHIDA and Mikio ISHII
- Technical Paper
- PV array pyranometer with 4 sensors in grrenhouse and study on temperature correction / Satomi SUGIYAMA, Mohd Arif FARIZUL, Hideto TANOUE, Yoshiyuki SUDA, Hirofumi TAKIKAWA, Shinichiro OKE and Kazuko KAWASHIMA
- Series Lecture
- Histrical development of wind powered generation (9) / Izumi USHIYAMA
- A histrory of solar thermal utilization (3) / Takeo SAITOH
- News from JSES Committee
- JSES announcement
- Conference calendar
- Library