- New Year Greeting : Hironori ARAKAWA, president of JSES
- Message : It is snowing on children / Yasutomi MIKI
- Special Edition : Energy Conversion of Living Thing
- Microbial fuel cells / Atsushi KOUZUMA and Kazuya WATANABE
- Enzymatic biofuel cell / Hideyuki KUMURA and Hideki SAKAI
- Bioenergy production using subsurface prokaryotes associated with accretionary prism in southwest Japan / Hiroyuki KIMURA
- Energy conversion of plant biomass with ionic liquids / Hiroyuki OHNO
- The challenges of 2030 “Fuels from Algae” / Tsuyoshi TANAKA, Michiko NEMOTO and Tomoko YOSHINO
- Direct biomass fuel cell (BMFC) using mesoporous semiconductor/metal junction – proposal of a principal sustainable energy resource system – /Masao KANEKO
- Technical Paper
- Operation setting of ground fault circuit interruption in AC distribution system including PV systems / Kazuyoshi SAKAI and Ichiro MIKI
- Study on the diffusion factor of solar water heaters and photovoltaic systems based on municipal statistics / Tomomichi SEKI, Hideo TANAKA and Atsushi AKISAWA
- Review Article
- Architectural planning for sustainable building / Yoshimasa SAKURAI
- Systematic comparison of potential induced degradation tests among commercial photovoltaic modules / Kohji MASUDA, Hiroshi KATO, Yasunori UCHIDA, Katsuaki SHIBATA, Shinji KAWAI, Yutaka FUKUMOTO, Fujio TAMAI, Takuya DOI, Atsushi MASUDA and MIchio KONDO
- Series Lecture
- A history of solar thermal utilization (13) / Takeo SAITOH
- 2012 JSES/JWEA Annual Conference
- Report of 2012 JSES/JWEA annual conference / Hideki KIMURA and Takafumi KUSUNOKI
- Report of Solar Energy Industrial in Germany : Shigekazu KAWAGOE
- News from JSES Committee
- JSES announcement
- Conference calendar
- Library