Prefatory note : Memories of my mentor in Combustion research / Hitoshi HARA, Managing Director, Doctor of Engineering Japan Solar Thermal System Development Association
- Featured article Ⅰ : Energy Storage Systems with Large Amounts of Renewables
- On Special Issue on Energy Storage Systems for large amount of Renewables / Yoh YASUDA, Project Professor, Kyoto University
- The role of Energy Storage Systems from the viewpoint of Power Systems -Flexibility and Sector Coupling- / Yoh YASUDA, Project Professor, Kyoto University
- Decarbonization of the heat sector and the potential of thermal storage systems / Hironao MATSUBARA, Chief Researcher, Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies
- Possible utilization strategy of electrical vehicles as flexibility resource in Japan / Keiichiro SAKURAI, Senior Researcher, Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, AIST
- Green Hydrogen for Renewable Energies / Kenichiro OTA, President of Fuel Cell Information Center
- Featured article Ⅱ : Meteorological and Environmental Seminar: Climate change
- Overview of the feature / Hideaki OHTAKE, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
- Promotion of research on climate change adaptation and collaboration with local communities / Hitoshi MUKAI, Director, Center for Climate Change Adaptaiton / National Institute for Environmental Studies
- What is happening in the Greenland ice sheet? A report from the hotspot of global warming / Masashi NIWANO, Senior Researcher, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency
- Climate change and marine biological resources / Masahiko FUJII, Associate professor, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
- Discussion on climate change / Hideaki OHTAKE, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
- Research paper
- Proposal of net-zero energy house by introducing environmentally friendly PV/T solar panels / Kohei TERASHIMA, Faculty of science and technology, Keio University, Haruki SATO, Professor emeritus, Keio University, Toshiharu IKAGA, Professor, Faculty of science and technology, Keio University
- Estimation Method of Horizontal Global Solar Radiation Using Short-Circuit Current and Open-Circuit Voltage of PV Module / Kosuke UCHIDA, Assistant Professor, Major in Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University, Kazuhito TOMITA, Major in Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ibaraki University, Sayaka SUZUKI, Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering, Ibaraki University
- Commentary
- Application areas of the solar cookers inside and outside Japan / Yuichi NAKAJO, Director of the Collaborative Research Center, Ashikaga University
- Introduction of a Laboratory
- Photovoltaic Materials Group, National Institute for Materials Science.
- Thermal Energy System Engineering Laboratory, Kindai University
- Technical introduction of corporate members
- Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
- News from JSES Committee
- Conference Calendar, Library, JSES Report
- JSES Announcement