New Year Greeting : Renewable energy for power and heat supply, and contribution to local areas / Atsushi AKISAWA, professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (President of JSES)
- Prefatory note : About JSES and about myself / Shinichiro OKE, Professor ,National Institute of Technology, Tsuyama College
- Featured article : Introduction of Carbon Recycling Technology
- Purpose of this feature / Kenshi MITSUISHI, Senior Analyst, Mitsui Chemicals, Inc
- Issues on GHG accounting for CCUS in Japan / Kenshi ITAOKA, Professor, Kyushu University
- Trends of CO2 capture technologies / Ikuo TANIGUCHI, Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology
- Reduction of CO2 Emissions in the Chemical Industry and the Possibility of Carbon Recycling Using Methanol as a Key Compound / Terunori FUJITA, Designated professor, Chubu University, Shinichiro ICHIKAWA, Manager, Mitsui Chemicals
- Current Status and Trend of Liquid Synthetic Fuel Production from CO2 / Qingxin JIA, Theme leader, Advanced Technology Research Laboratories,Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd, Tetsuya FUKUNAGA, Chief Researcher, Advanced Technology Research Laboratories,
Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd
- Future perspectives in CO2-utilization technology with photosynthesis of microalgae / Yoshiaki MAEDA, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- Environmentally Considered Concrete Using CO2 from Cement Production / Masayoshi KONISHI, Technical Officer,Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co.,Ltd. Cement/Concrete Research Lab
- Research paper
- Shunt Spot Diameter Shrinkage Stop Mechanism of Thermal Runaway Phenomenon in Solar Cells / Ryuta KAWAMURA, Advanced course, NIT, Ube College, Ikuo NANNO, Professor, Department of mechanical engineering, NIT, Ube College, Kazuya MURAI, Former advanced course, NIT, Ube College, Tetsuya NAKAMURA, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
- Investigation of Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Type Direct-Contact Heat Exchanger / Akira HOSHI, Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku Gakuin University, Hidetoshi OHKUBO, Emeritus Professor, Tamagawa University
- Commentary : Activities of the Association for changes to the solar thermal performance calculation logic of the Energy Consumption Performance Calculation Program / Hitoshi HARA, Managing Director, Doctor of Engineering, Japan Solar Thermal System Development
- Report of 2022 JSES Annual Conference / Isamu OHTA, Misawa Homes Institute of Research and Development Co.,Ltd, Masakazu ITO, University of Fukui
- An Event Report : Participation report of 8th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems / Hironao MATSUBARA, Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP)
- Introduction of a Laboratory
- Kameya Research Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chiba Institute of Technology
- Technical introduction of corporate members
- Toshiba Mitsubishi-Electric Industrial Systems Corporation
- News from JSES Committee
- Conference Calendar, Library, JSES Report
- JSES Announcement