- Prefatory note : Toward domestic energy production / Shigeo YOSHIDA

- Featured article Ⅰ: Combustion technology for biomass and waste resources
- Purpose of this feature / Toru SAWAI
- Technologies for Energy Conversion from Biomass and Waste products / Ryo YOSHIIE
- Co-firing in coal-fired power plants and carbon sequestration using biochar / Maromu OTAKA
- Combustion characteristics of biocoke / Manabu FUCHIHATA
- METAWATER’s sewage sludge fuel technology / Syunjiro MORINAGA
- SNCR deNOx Process by Urea Decomposing System / Daichi SUGITA, Munechika ITO
- Featured article Ⅱ: Progresses and future developments in sunlight utilization technologies
- Purpose of this feature / Shigeru IKEDA
- Fully-Printed Carbon-Based Multiporous-Layered-Electrodes Perovskite Solar Cells for Main-Renewable Energy Resource / Seigo ITO
- CIS-based photovoltaic devices for energy harvesting / Shogo ISHIZUKA
- Potential of Chalcopyrite Phosphide Photovoltaics / Yoshitaro NOSE
- Development of visible-light-driven water splitting system for solar hydrogen production / Ryu ABE, Hajime SUZUKI
- Driven by solar energy conversion of carbon dioxide into plastic raw material / Mika TAKEUCHI, Yutaka AMAO
- Research paper
- Improvement in performance of a multiple-effect unit for a solar distiller by ionic wind with evaporation and condensation on each surface of annular space / Jumpei KAKUDA, Masanori FUJIMOTO
- Introduction of a Laboratory
- Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Engineering Department of Architecture Nagai Laboratory
- Eco-electric Power Research Center, Aichi Institute of Technology
- Monologue from Board Members : “Work” and “Labor” / Kazuhiko KATO
- News from JSES Committee
- Conference Calendar
- Library
- JSES Report
- JSES Announcement